Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Introducing our Family

Introducing our Family

Our granddaughter drew this picture last year to represent our family. You see a Paw Paw, a Nana, her aunt, two cousins, herself and our two dogs.

What makes us a unique family? We are one of the growing numbers of grandparents raising grandchildren.

7.0 million

The number of grandparents whose grandchildren younger than 18 were living with them in 2010.

2.7 million

The number of grandparents responsible for the basic needs of one or more grandchildren under 18 living with them in 2010. Of these caregivers, 1.7 million were grandmothers and 1.0 million were grandfathers.

Our society is rapidly becoming a nation of families that do not fit the "normal" definition of family.

When we (hubby & I) were 53 & 48 respectively we began the process to learn to become parents again. This journey began with disbelief. Disbelief that at the time in our life we would soon be experiencing colic, teething, potty training and all the fun stuff of new parents again. Frustration was second. Frustration that the two parents (our son & his girlfriend) created this beautiful child and yet were incapable of caring for her. Anger started creeping in as well. We had spent the last decade learning to love each other, love our new found freedom and loving our new hobby (motorcycle riding). And now all that had come to an abrupt halt.

Now the fun stuff! We as middle aged people had to re-learn how to change diapers. What? Disposable diapers? Where's the pins? How do you wash them out to reuse them? Throw them away! What a waste! OMG, we don't have to wash them! Totally cool!

Diaper wipes? In a box? In a pack? Oh wow! No more rinsing out washclothes? Heated wipes? OMG, are these babies spoiled now or what? Oh sorry, that's are we parents spoiled not or what?

And the absolute best invention in three decades yet. Better than disposable diapers, better than heated wipes, better than car seats? Yes. It has to be.....ta dah...non-spill sippy cups! Yes!!! Finally we parents aren't constantly mopping up spilled drinks. Gotta love whoever invented that baby!

Census Facts:

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