Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Once again it happens...



      another set of grandparents are given grandchildren to raise.


      I talked with a friend today whose daughter that is an addict had her children taken away by CPS this past weekend. Of course, when they called the grandparents they agreed to take the children into their home.


      A lot of people don't realize how that one phone call can change your life.


      First, you are forced quickly to make a decision. Do you accept the child to make sure they are cared for & loved? Or do you allow CPS to place them in the foster system not knowing what type of situation they will be put into?


      Second, you quickly take a look at your lifestyle. No, I don't mean the child being a hindrance to your party time or if the child will ruin your retirement. You look at your finances...can you afford to take this child in or are you living on a fixed income from social security? Then you ponder where will the child sleep? How will you get clothes for him/her? How will you get them to their school? Do you have the money to buy extra food for the month? Will you need a babysitter while you try to keep your job?


      Third, you think about the entire situation. Often this doesn't happen until you've decided some of the other questions and agree to accept the child. Then you start thinking about: what if CPS gives the child back too soon? what if the parents don't give up their addiction? how will it affect the child to bounce back & forth? what if I give my whole heart to this child only to have it ripped away?


      When grandparents accept their grandchildren into their home they open their doors, their finances, their lives, their hearts and their love vulnerably. A lot of times the grandparents are at a time in life where they long for rest, peace, enjoyment of their hobbies and approach starting over again raising a child with caution.


      Speaking with my friend brings all these sentiments fresh and anew to me again. But being a grandparent raising a grandchild isn't all bad...tomorrow I will write about the blessings of saying "yes" to that special phone call. 


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